
Guided hikes set for Coast Wilderness Park

At 8 a.m. Saturday, all are invited to participate in special

docent-led hikes with panoramic views of the Pacific Ocean, Catalina

Island and coastal parks.

Wildflowers are vibrant this time of year on the popular five-mile

Dartmoor Street and the four-mile Ridge Park hikes in Laguna Coast

Wilderness Park. Meet at the Willow Canyon staging area, 20101 Laguna

Canyon Road, just south of the El Toro Road intersection, and ride

the free bus to trail access points. Hikes conclude back at the

parking area.

These hikes are special additions to the park’s regular schedule

and are arranged on a first-come, first-serve basis. Also available

at 8 a.m. is the regularly scheduled Laurel Canyon loop guided hike.

From 8 a.m. to 4 p.m., participate in Wilderness Access activities

for hikers, mountain cyclists and equestrians. Park at the Willow

Canyon staging area or Dilley Preserve (hiking only) on Laguna Canyon

Road, just north of the 73 Toll Road.

The event is sponsored by Laguna Canyon Foundation, Laguna

Greenbelt Inc. and Orange County Harbors, Beaches and Parks. For

information and reservations for guided hikes, phone (949) 855-7275.

‘Roadtrip Nation’ book signing

The last and the closest book signing for “Roadtrip Nation,”

written by 1995 Laguna Beach High School graduates Mike Marriner and

Nathan Gebhard, will be at 3 p.m. Saturday at Lattitude 33 Bookstore,

311 Ocean Ave. For information, call 494-5403.

Next PFLAG meeting set for May 21

Parents, Families and Friends of Lesbian and Gays will hold its

next meeting on Wednesday.

The group is a secular organization that celebrates diversity and

envisions a society that embraces everyone, including those of

diverse sexual orientations and gender identities.

The meeting will begin at 7 p.m. in the Sun Room of the United

Methodist Church, 24442 Moulton Parkway in Laguna Woods.

For more information, call (949) 380-7035 or (949) 459-2834.

American Legion and Auxiliary install officers

The Laguna Beach American Legion Post has installed their new

officers for the 2003-04 year term.

In mid June, Commander Dave Connell will turn over command of the

Legion Post to First Vice Commander Richard Moore. These Legionnaires

will assume their elected positions of responsibility:

Commander, Richard Moore; 1st vice commander, Ben Blount; 2nd vice

commander, Bill Sandlin; adjutant/finance officer, Jim Law;

sergeant-at-arms, Don Hurlbut; assistant sergeant-at-arms, Frank

Bouderaux; chaplain, Larry Blank; assistant chaplain, Frank Visca;

service officer, Hal Werthe; judge advocate, Dave Connell; junior

past commander, Dave Connell.

Bill Siler III, past 5th Area commander, and Ray Goss, 29th

District commander, were the installing officers.

At the same meeting, these officers of Post 222 Auxiliary were


President, Diane Connell; vice president, Sandi Werthe;

secretary/treasurer, Jean Law; arms-at-arms, Freida Gordon; marshall,

Cherry Bouderaux; chaplain, Madeleine Visca; junior past president,

Diane Connell.

The installation was conducted by past District 29 President Carol


Water District plans pipeline replacement

As part of its ongoing program to enhance fire flow and improve

the reliability of the water distribution system, the Laguna Beach

County Water District will be replacing a portion of its cast iron

water pipeline in various locations.

Streets that will be affected include Katella Street, La Mirada

Street, Catalina Street, Bluebird Canyon Drive, Del Mar Avenue,

Gainsborough Drive, Gainsborough Way, Crestview Drive, Baja Street

and Calliope Street. The work will begin May 19 and will continue for

about 12 weeks.

The streets will remain open to pedestrian traffic at all times,

and workers will try to maintain normal vehicle access. Normal hours

of construction will be 7:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday through Friday.

Customers will be notified individually and in advance when it

becomes necessary to temporarily interrupt water service.

For information, call the District’s Engineering Department at


Woman of the year to be honored

The Laguna Beach Woman’s Club will honor Carolyn Wood as the 2003

Woman’s Club Woman of the Year.

At the meeting, members will also install the 2003-04 Woman’s Club

Board of Directors.

The meeting will be from 11:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. June 6 at the

Woman’s Club Clubhouse, 286 St. Ann’s Drive.

The fee is $20 prepaid reservation, $25 at the door, space

permitting. For information, call 497-1200.
